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Sewing molds, dress molds : Human clothing is greeted, it is sent off with its ideas, how often the word is today used. This word summarized the importance of dressing in a sentence. However, clothes, It gives confidence to the person when worn for the environment and time and gives personality. So diversity is also important. It has taken its place in this diversity in the toilet as a night outfit. With this course, it is aimed to bring you the adequacy of toilet planting. The toilet model we want to define, collar, arm, cuff, closing way of outlines such we evaluate with. However, it is the attention decoration that stands out at first glance in the toilet. Then this Correct and clear sewing of details will increase the quality and aesthetics of the model. In this course, the fabric, model and decoration you will use in toilet production You will gain information and skills that contain features. In addition, this information is in any part of the women's tailoring sector. It will allow you to work more efficiently. Model's collar, arm mouth cleaning, closure share Knowing the technical planting of the variety is the first condition of preparing the right toilet pattern. 2008
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