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Office and Office Management : When you start a job during your studentship and start a job, many documents from you You will be asked to edit. The documents issued in an office are very diverse; But most often The legal information of the documents used, the information about the regulation and arranged You will be able to find examples in this course. Will be given to the Social Insurance Institution, İş-Kur and Regional Labor Directorate SSK ’ of the enterprises employing workers with documents; monthly premium they have to give every month And the service certificate will be given to the tax office every month or three months; Declaration, Value Added Tax Release and Temporary Tax Release Samples prepared within the framework of the laws of 2005 in order to regulate and Edited documents; It will help you gain knowledge and skills in this regard. However, due to the frequent changes of the articles of the law, healthy and accurately Every year in order to regulate forms and declarations You should follow the changes. Tax Procedure Law (VUK), Income Tax Law (GVK), Social Insurance Law (SSK), Labor Law and similar laws by examining this information You will be able to reach easily. 2008
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