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Office and Office Management : In today's knowledge age, knowledge has become an increasing value. Because The transport and protection of information has become a very important problem. This problem Archiving movements are an important factor in the solution. Service, the whole of the activities for people, the service to be provided is also appropriate It is important to use. Archive movements Fast and Easy Access to Information provides. Archive movements are a type of service to protect information. All today Institutions protect the information sources with a certain archiving system and with archiving movements In case of need, they meet the needs of archived information. Public and special for the organization of archiving system and archiving movements Trained labor force that can use technology in institutions is needed. For this reason, the importance of time and labor in the service sector is also considered. You should know that it will be useful. This course is psychological and It will benefit economically. The result is about archiving movements when you complete this course You will be able to apply archiving movements with the information and skills you will gain. 2008
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