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FLOWER AND GARDEN : As you know, plants are alive and have some common features with other living things. For example, such as growth, development and death. Again, the biggest features of other living things are their illness. Yes, plants get sick. Maybe they do not have colds or flu like people, but they have their own illness. Sometimes this disease occurs from nutrients or excesses, sometimes manifested by the effect of factors such as irrigation and seeds. When we see a diseased plant, we can understand that he is sick by looking at the solid one. These diseases seen in plants reduce quality and market values. For example, nobody prefers a rose with ashizers or nobody wants to eat a fruit caught in mildew. The most important issue in sick plants is their treatments. When we get sick, we go to the doctor. When our animals get sick, we consult the vet. If the disease is not intervened in time, the same applies to plants if we cannot get the desired results. With this course, you will be able to diagnose and treatment of sick plants. You will be able to determine the disease with correct diagnosis and save plants from the disease with timely intervention. So you will be a plant doctor as a second profession. 2008
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