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Sewing molds, dress molds : Leather apparel sector in almost all production stages of hand labor intensively It is a sector in which it is used. In addition, the main raw material of the leather apparel is the standard and always Since it is not present in accordance with the needs, in line with the demands of the raw material Preparation is also an important production phase in leather apparel. The innovation and quality of the equipment used in production in the leather apparel sector Since it affects quality and efficiency in general, it occurs in production technology. Changes should be closely monitored. Technology used in the Turkish leather apparel sector according to many competing countries It is forward. Leather flat narrow skirt planting technique applied in leather skirt sewing You have received the work and theoretical information about them. Leather flat narrow skirt planting II lesson If your skirt's main and auxiliary materials cut, planting and last ironing-last control You will find the transactions. When you work taking into account all the suggestions, a quality product is obtained. By, you will enjoy production. 2008
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