
Use of Medical Dental Units-Medical

Medical device maintenance and use Use of Medical Dental Units

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Medical device maintenance and use : Health services have a very important place today. With developing technology Together, biomedical devices have been the biggest assistant of health workers. With the advancement of technology, the number of biomedical devices increased. Maintenance of these devices repairs have created a sector. With the rapid progress of the biomedical field today, this The sector needs a large number of trained employees. Health of Biomedical Devices to help his employees and to protect human life. They must be well -groomed. With this course, recognizing the varieties of dental units and repair, maintenance and calibration techniques He has the ability to apply a dental unit continuously. you will be. Instead of the requirements of learning activities in order to achieve the desired competence should be brought to the next learning activity without success in measurement and evaluation. should not be passed.