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Office and Office Management : The way to increase success all over the world is to comprehend the developing contemporary techniques and is possible by using. In parallel with the developing technology, education used in education tools have also changed. Computer is now used in schools instead of typewriter. The computer is correct Using will increase your success and will allow you to use the time well. When you learn to write ten fingers with F keyboard as a method, your homework, lesson You will be able to prepare your notes faster and without getting tired. In your working life, you will be able to easily write articles about your business. According to the characteristics of the Turkish language with ten fingers for the method of using a keyboard without looking The most efficient keyboard is the standard Turkish keyboard (F keyboard). With this lesson, you with ten fingers, the computer keyboard with method fast and efficient Usage techniques are given. In these techniques, the way of sitting, the stance of the arms, the stance of the hands, the stance of the fingers, The stance of the feet and the techniques of using the letter keys correctly and with your pictures presented. Increasing your efficiency in all kinds of correspondence in business and private life You should learn and use these techniques. 2008
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