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Sewing molds, dress molds : We came to the last section of the sewing of women's jackets. Primer planting of women's jacket planting and The place of placement forms the basis of this course. While continuing your work, will be informed about the lining, the primer sewing techniques and the methods of passing the jacket you will learn. This is because you will use some hand seams during the lining planting. Information about hand seams were given in the course. Hand stitches, not only in the jacket You will also be able to use it in the primer. Although the lining seems difficult to work due to its slippery surface, you follow the rules If you can easily complete your planting. Before the primer starts working Passing the process is absolutely obstacle to subsequent disorders. will. The iron you will make before and after planting is great convenience in your primer work. It will provide a great contribution to the proper conclusion of planting. In the last part of the course, you grasp the importance of the iron to your jacket you will apply. In addition, the importance and methods of the final control by learning the last of your jacket You will be able to control. 2008
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