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Printing and printing : Paper crushing folding with machine, especially in book production, the book Considering the place in our daily lives and the width of the area of use will be understood. Nowadays, many products we use especially in the field of education raw It forms paper. In this case, the paper used for different purposes The processing of the materials is very diverse and the machines where the papers are processed Using also requires a number of skills. Basic at the beginning of these skills It comes to use the machines where the operations are performed. Layer Paper Crimean Lesson is prepared to gain the skills in this direction. is the course. In this course, you, the Crimean machines, the Crimean varieties that can be made with the machine In addition, make the necessary settings to break the paper correctly and to the post -Crimean quality You will be able to make controls. However, it is necessary to do these procedures You will obtain material, vehicle and machine information. This information and skills, Crimea It will help you solve some problems that may arise in their machines. If you obtain the targeted competencies in this course, printing technology We believe that you will grow as more qualified elements in the field and wish you success. 2008
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