
Marble turning tips 2-Cadcam

Freze, CNC, Labor, Cad-Cam and Machinery Information Marble turning tips 2

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Freze, CNC, Labor, Cad-Cam and Machinery Information : Marble formation is now high in marble processing. These residues One of the ways to evaluate is the various decorative ornamental with marble turning process It passes through making items. In addition, as an aesthetic product by shaping marble The prevalence of use areas shows the prevalence of marble turning process. The possibility of manufacturing with marble lathe in a small workshop with marble turning process has. In this way, many people in our regions such as Afyonkarahisar and Kırşehir It was possible to establish job opportunities with capital. With this lesson, he will recognize the lathe beach and connect the marble to the lathe. You will be able to learn and shape the marble in the lathe cylindrical.