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Wood and Furniture : Wooden Technology Area Functional Values and Use of Spaces, Aesthetics With its value, the places where we live and work are a warm, cute and colorful environment. It allows it to come. This field reveals the product by combining art and technique. Wood in the area and Wood products as well as paint, varnish, color, glass, plastic, steel and metal, such as metal products is used. The employment opportunities provided by this field are available and potentially It is one of the important activity sectors of our country with the power to create added value. In our country where wooden technology is developed, both domestic and international Wood decoration makes significant contributions in meeting increasing needs. Surface engraving is an indispensable part of the wooden decoration branch. Motif-Pesen In particular, the art of the original Seljuk and Turkish ornamental art will be reflected in the information. You will be able to do furniture such as crates, chairs, coffee tables and rahle. During the surface carving construction, the types of decorations, which trees made, You will be able to apply by learning production steps and machine carving. 2008
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