
Shawl and ethol models-Stitch

Sewing molds, dress molds Shawl and ethol models

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Sewing molds, dress molds : As the confidence of human beings increases, the pleasure of giving yourself a separate appearance born. The interest of clothing complementary accessories, which gives a different personality, is We see that the day has increased a little more. Increasing interest in the subject, professional and technical It has led to great importance to clothing accessory in education. Preparation of clothing accessory is an important source of livelihood today. Because In this course, which was prepared to help students, Şal-ETOL, one of the clothing accessories You will find information about it. Şal-ETOL, women covering their shoulders and It is a clothing accessory that they cannot give up. With this course, the detection of shawl-etol model and material suitable for clothing, pattern You will be able to prepare, decorate, plant and final control.