
Torso drawing in the graph-Photograph

Photo and Graphic Lessons Torso drawing in the graph

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Photo and Graphic Lessons : For centuries, the human body has been one of the main expressions of civilizations. The communities that accept science and new inventions are the basis of cultural development have given their most intense efforts to examine the human body. The ancient Greek and Roman civilization has achieved the perfection of the perfection by deifying men and women. It was a figure suitable for mathematics rates and ideal dimensions that seemed perfect. The works of this period are considered unique even today. In the pattern, the human figure drawing should be started with the still model (Torstan) drawings. With Tors drawing, drawing the ideal human form correctly will provide convenience in the drawing of a live human figure. In this course, we will consider Tors and Sculpture definitions, measures, ratio, Tors drawing applications and points to be considered when drawing. At the end of the course, you can use the knowledge and skills you have learned in all fields of art and you can make Tors drawing applications which are the basis of the human figure without error.