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Printing and printing : Web offset printing machines are also called rotative printing machines. Rotative, coil It means boiler printing machines that print on paper. Web offset printing The most prominent feature that distinguishes the machine from layer offset printing machines is to do. Web offset facilities are fixed production lines. A few fixed products in large quantities can produce. Long -term large to make investments in such facilities voluminous jobs are required. So product and market research is very important. The pressure on the coil paper increases the printing speed of the machine, the cost of production reduces. All kinds of innovations that improve speed and quality without increasing costs It is applied on offset. For this reason, web offset printing machines are the newest, most automatic and the fastest offset printing machines. In this course, the differences between web offset and layer offset, advantages and You will learn the disadvantages. Units in web offset and automated works You will have information about. Past lessons and thanks to this course You will learn web offset printing machines where techniques are applied. Our country needs elements to use new technologies like you. 2008
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