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Food and Food Products : The importance of fermented dairy products in human nutrition for many years is known. The most important consumption of yogurt, which is one of the products in question, is the most important consumption in our country. One of the shapes is ayran. Although there is no definite information, for the production of yogurt in our country It is estimated that the amount of milk separated is processed by 20-30 %. As you know, yogurt and buttermilk, since ancient times, traditional in our society is a dairy product produced as. But today, the rapid science and technology As a result of the progress, the production of these products in industrial dimensions is realized. Thus, faster and standard Production phase has been reached. Quality and standard in enterprises producing milk and dairy products to produce buttermilk, to protect consumer health and to regulations and standards It is important to ensure suitability. Production by employees trained in this field is done. In terms of ease of digestion and refreshing effect, both in cities and rural The production of buttermilk, which is consumed in a large amount in the sections, especially in summer months increasing. For many years, it has been loved by our people and consumed in large amounts This product also plays an important role in human nutrition due to its high nutritional value. Ayran course, buttermilk production methods; Sensitive, chemical, nutrition and Health features in terms of health; Preliminary procedures to be applied to the milk to be used for buttermilk production; Inoculation and incubation processes; Attention during packaging, cooling and storage The issues to be; Recognition of equipment and equipment used during production It includes the points to be considered. 2008
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