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Food and Food Products : Hot kitchens, hotels, restaurants, such as businesses can never give up varieties. Preparing a main course for a menu, good application of the hot kitchen area also depends on. Cooks of food to be prepared, features and construction techniques The fact that it has been well grasped and accessible capacity, but also It is also an indication of the quality of the cook. Turkish cuisine is very important in terms of introducing our national culture. World Turkish cuisine, which is considered the first three in the kitchen literature, unfortunately the same in our country is not introduced with sensitivity. The diversity and beauty in every part of the kitchen It is developed and is so detailed that all kinds of Turkish cuisine must be learned carefully. And it should be introduced. By learning the stuffing and wrapped in one of the important steps of Turkish cuisine. You will be able to promote our country and our culture as it should be. Also hot Mastering the construction of important dishes of the kitchen, business opportunities in commercial kitchens you will have. 2008
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