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Food and Food Products : Ice cream pleasant aroma, taste and appearance by many people Season is a dairy product consumed by loving. Although the energy content is not much, vitamin And its rich in minerals increases its importance in terms of nutrition. It is not known where ice cream first emerged. But to its construction Many things are said about. In some sources, ice cream is at the beginning of the 16th century. Italy is also discovered in Italy. Again, according to some sources, ice cream is the first time ice cream It was made in England after the discovery. In our country, the first ice cream production in 1900 Istanbul and Kahramanmaraş. Today, ice cream sector, food industry and milk technology fastest It is one of the developing and increasing branches. Ice Cream Sector in our country The most important reason for rapid growth is that the raw material is abundant, cheap and varied. Milk again Our people who do not like to drink very much in summer and winter months show extreme interest in ice cream This supports the development of the sector. Ice cream; In general, milk and dairy products, sweeteners, stabilizers, Emulsives, drinkable water, color, aroma and condimental substances of the mixture As a complex product obtained by processing in special layouts called freezer defined. In this course, the necessary information about ice cream production, packaging and hardening issues And you will have the opportunity to apply in your working life by acquiring skills. You acquired All information and skills will ensure that you are qualified staff in this sector. 2008
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