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Knitting, textile and weaving clothes : Technology is developing rapidly and accessing this dizzying speed of technology It challenges more and more every day. In ancient times, when people had no such concerns The needs of dressing were met with hand -made techniques. Increasingly With the population; Criteria such as more demand, more diversity, cheaper cost It has made it inevitable to produce with technological machines. However, today's people abandoned their old dressing habits. Now He began to prefer to wear clothes he felt happier and more comfortable. Because of this Preference with the comfort, flexibility and unlimited color and model alternatives of flat knitted clothes has become clothing materials. In this age of technology, qualified people who do not have uniform knowledge employers was preferred by. Open to all kinds of development and innovation, hardworking, technical equipment The owner, featured elements began to find jobs easily in the field of flat knitted clothes. Planting a vest, which has an important place among the flat knitted clothes in your class. techniques are explained. With this lesson, you will develop yourself and grow as a qualified staff suitable for the sector, You will be able to find a job easily and contribute to the national economy. 2008
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