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Knitting, textile and weaving clothes : Textile is such a broad world in our lives that wherever we look, what If we use it, it is almost impossible not to encounter a textile product. A person who is a manner to the fibers of all the color and color effect he sees in nature Since it is possible to reflect, it receives great pleasure from this work. Your sky and the blue of the seas, the changing green tones of trees and plants, the eye -catching animals Inspired by the colors of the flowers, the images of the flowers, to the textile products It is a beautiful feeling to make it color by applying it. That emotion, You can experience too much in accordance with the information you will learn from the courses. With this course, the fibers obtained from nature and the fibers obtained by chemical ways learn how to paint a new product obtained as a result of the mixture. you will be able to apply. 2008
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