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Marketing : In today's rapidly changing environment, safe, fast and easy to the needed information It is of great importance to reach somehow. Hundreds of products can be found in real estate offices. Real estate varieties in the portfolio Computer systems are needed to follow. Real estates entering and releasing the portfolio must be introduced to the computer system one by one. This Since the detailed information about real estate is entered in the promotions, real estates are required. can be searched. Real estates registered in the portfolio are subjected to different procedures over time; rented, contract is made or sold. Registered in the portfolio Real Estate with this system to the finest detail, with all its features need more manpower It can be followed completely through the system without staying. Requested reporting and Inquiries can be carried out as soon as possible, There are various real estate tracking programs in the application. Plan in this lesson- You will learn the installation and usage features of ETPRO real estate program. 2008
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