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Food and Food Products : All biochemical reactions in the lively It occurs under the control and order of synthesized enzymes. Accordingly, enzymes They are the basic substances necessary for life. People are noticed and revealing the existence of enzymes Unconsciously from the activities performed by these substances They could not benefit. For example, in Malt beer, a rich source of amylase, papaya The water of the papaya plant containing the enzyme was used to soften meat. The main inputs of the food industry are generally vegetable or animal origin. It is natural in the structures of unrelated and animal foodstuffs. There are many enzymes. Enzymes in foods, processes applied to food Or it is greatly affected by the environmental conditions in which food can be encountered. Accordingly Enzymes reflect the current status and quality of the process. From natural enzymes Some positively affect the quality of the person, while some of them are uninterrupted. It causes transmissions. With this course, causing changes in the desired and undesirable direction in the quality of food The methods of recognizing enzymes and interfering with the activity of enzymes scientific You will gain application skills within the scope of the rules. 2008
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