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Food and Food Products : Meats are widely used in Turkish cuisine and international kitchens. group. Although it is preferred especially in the main courses, in cold and hot arms, Soups, salads and so on. is used. Usage area in the kitchen is wide and nutritional value Care should be taken in the use of high meats and pre -use preparation. With this lesson, the varieties of meats, their places in the body, how they were removed from the body You will reach the preparation adequacy before cooking by learning. At the same time, learning the storage methods of meat, the minimum loss of nutritional value You will learn how to use it. The tools used in the preparation of meat in commercial kitchens and the meat is the most economical You will prepare for cooking. Cooking methods that meet the characteristics of the meat you can choose. At the end of the competence you will reach with this course, the next stage is made of meat You will receive the preliminary information to make the dishes. 2008
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