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Food and Food Products : All the stages you will apply to your pasta dough are good no matter how good If you do not implement the shaping process, one of the main criteria for the pasta should be you will not provide. This situation negatively affects the sale as it disrupts the product quality. It causes economic loss of your business. Pasta is indispensable for both economic and wealth of appearance in our tables. It is a product. This is the shape of the pasta that provides richness. The dough, which is an important step in making pasta in this topic with you We will start by learning the varieties of macarna. Production examples of pasta varieties according to their techniques and appearances you will find. After the pasta dough, kneaded and vacuum air, different pasta It comes to give its shape according to its varieties. At this stage, the tools that come into play are used By examining the equipment and the methods applied, the competence in shaping pasta We tried to get you to get the information you can earn. 2008
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