
Geometric accounts for construction-Building

Construction and Architectural Accounts Geometric accounts for construction

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Construction and Architectural Accounts : You have stepped into a new profession by selecting the field of construction technology. You love your profession And willingly do your success. The importance of a professional profession He must understand well and be proud of his art. Technological developments related to his profession closely should be able to follow and adapt to today's technology. Honesty and reliability, which has general morality and business ethics while performing its profession An exemplary person who suggests confidence, with his clothing, behavior and respect for his profession should be. With this course, in the field of construction technology, the volume accounts that have an important place and You will learn physical accounts. Volume accounts and physical to make simple accounts about your profession. You need to know the accounts. How is the volume of a rectangular room? Physically Are the accounts important? In this course you will have information about the properties of the matter.