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Fishing and fishing : The maritime area, which has become widespread and developed in our country in recent years It has a wide place in commercial and social life. Yacht Tourism: Yacht, Sea Journey and At the end of a certain stroll, the tourist consisting of marina elements All tourist activities between abandonment. In our country, yacht tourism, which started to develop after the 1980s years, provided social and In addition to economic contributions, with its contribution to promotional activities and with the foreign exchange input it provides. It has an important place in the tourism sector. Turkey is one of the countries with ideal conditions for yacht tourism. These conditions lie Natural and sheltered bays required for tourism, long beaches, coastal Forests, long season, suitable sea winds, dry and rainless weather conditions, date and Archaeological heritage, swimming, various water sports can be expressed in the form of possibilities. With the bay and marinas lesson; When the appropriate environment is provided, it can be wandered by yacht can detect places and marinas, enter, host there and You will be able to take advantage of the facilities. Our country's temperate climate, sheltered bays, many with different cultures along the coast With its country's geography, natural and historical riches, the world's important yacht tourism is one of the centers. Today, it is the source of important income and employment. We divide the yacht tourism into two as tourism activities with private and commercial yachts. The branch of yacht captain is mainly involved in tourism activities with commercial yachts. It covers the issues related to the training of the captains. The trip to the trip planned trip plan, place, activity and supply elements of the trip is determined before. Trips, whether private or commercial purposes, must be a plan. must be done within. Being planned provides security and efficiency. A captain's real One of his duties is to work efficiently with life, goods and environmental safety on his boat. to provide. Plans in special trips are not usually prepared for a long time and in a short time “ come on Let's do ” plans made in the form. However, plans for commercial yacht trips It should be prepared in advance and marketing should be made accordingly. These plans are usually bed While preparing by enterprises or agencies It is the responsibility of the captain to be held in organizations. On private yachts, usually travel Plans are made by the captains. While making a trip plan, the excursion time and according to marketing conditions and The number of participants is revealed. Then the historical and natural beauties in this region with the appropriate shelter bays and marinas by evaluating entertainment and shopping opportunities determines. Finally, with the supply opportunities at the shelter, cruise plan and travel ruler is prepared. 2008
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