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Food and Food Products : The main structure of human, animal and plant cells is proteins. Growth of your cells Since it means proliferation, proteins are primarily necessary for growth. All your body Most of the cells are made of proteins and these cells change constantly is renewed. Proteins to use their own duties desired. If the body protein cannot take enough, the demolished cells cannot be renewed, construction repairs cannot be done, growth does not occur. Proteins taken with foods are building materials that make up the cells of our body. Amino acids that need the body from these large giant molecules in foods we will. Proteins that make up foods and have various biological tasks in living, exterior They can easily be affected by the factors and change their known features. That's why their Knowing their properties will make it easier for us to benefit more and more effectively from them. With this course, the features of proteins that are very important for living things and are very important for living things You will recognize it together and the functions of proteins in the food industry you will be able to determine. 2008
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