
Folk dances-Tourism

Tourism, Entertainment Facilities and Services Folk dances

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Tourism, Entertainment Facilities and Services : Detailed information about Halaylar: Zeybek, Halay, Çifttelli, Harmandalı sampling in Zeybek, Çifttelli sampling. Entertainment services have gained an important function in the accommodation enterprises in the tourism sector. The good service of this department depends on the success of the people who have acquired an animator. With this course, you will be able to gain the knowledge and skills of making Turkish folk dances, one of the folkloric values ​​of our country, in the field of entertainment services. Thanks to these knowledge and skills, you will be able to transfer Turkish folk dances to people with a part of our culture and foreign people. Thus, you will have our culture. You will learn the place and importance of folk dances in the field of entertainment services and you will be able to progress further in the animal profession. In this course, you will be able to adapt the folk dances to the authority and make samples, except to know Turkish folk dances and to have knowledge. Nowadays, in order to protect our faster culture, a lower branch of folklore (folklore) needs people who have the right knowledge in the folk dances, and those who love their work.