It is the only dignity as in the professional groups in the fields of working services. In activities and demonstrations, the animator was in direct contact with guests. This is different from each other in areas of field areas. features. In the case of your reliables, the activities used in the service services are implemented in the service services, implemented. In areas, areas for activities in the fields of fields and take the pleasure for activities. You will pay the necessary safety measures. In accordance with the information you will get, you will work in the fields of the fields. You will be able to enjoy demonstrations and activities in a safe safe manner, taking into account the risks.
The target of the animation team, exhausting and stressful i ş The guests who come to the facility away from life away from life are best to respond to their expectations, e -lence services name, to respond in the best way, to the guests, to the guests #305; m ı and try to spend time. Animation is a difficult job on the basis of the fundamental and guests in the facility. The animator has a significant task in the case. Animation; cultural, humorous, artistic and sporting organizations for guests to spend time for guests. includes a whole covering. In this whole, it can be accepted as artistic work; Large shows, sketches, playback shows, special nights, musical and dance. demonstrations have an important place. At this point, pleasure for programs ı required, theme ı The strengthening and complement ı c ı The decor and accessories, which are the elements, come into play; Because for all demonstrations and programs, visual materials must be used ı is necessary. This is played and the animation It is possible to moon the whole. All T ı PK ı It is used together like a wheel of a wheel. and planning ı The necessary elements are. In accordance with the features of each activity, in accordance with contact, separately; and different ı Decor and accessories containing visual materials ı It is one of the most important elements of the most important elements.
The decors and accessories are the most fundamental elements of animation. Decorating and accessories exhibited activity and in compliance with the ovs, the show will increase the positive effect on the guests. r. The most important point to be considered for this is the designed decor and accessories in accordance with the theme. This is a ş Material choices to be used are also very important. Recognition of the materials and how to nas. Knowing is necessary to decide where and in what and in what and in what and in the production of materials. With this course, the decor varieties, decor and accessories to the pleasure of the difference to the difference in the difference ı It will grant the information and the information of the materials and its properties will gain knowledge and skills in accordance with the theme.
In the age of adolescence, young people are rather than the adults of the youth, or#351; They exhibit the way to win and behave with emotions of multi -chil. They also want to be included in the group and be noticed in the group while they want to stay alone. He hates monotony, movement and adventure attracts them. Emotions also show a driving for a very time. The sense of adventure and excitement can print so much that it is likely that the possibility of dangers difference They may not be able to. All this is unique to this period. The expectations of these differences from the Lance Services section due to these differences are also different. will be ı They ı To be able to attract, to complete their holidays with pleasure, to enjoy the youth clubs in lence services for youth clubs. ba ğ With this course, the Youth Club's activities and programs to the preliminary information about the pleasure of the preparation You will have.
Animation activities, which are part of tourism activity, have the desired effect with costumes and accessories. With this module, costumes and accessories are the characteristics of the raw materials, the use of the various materials and the diagnosis. You will be able to learn. However, animation Costume selection in activities, use ı You will be informed at the topics. Make you a simple base and costume and accessory materials. will be given in the quality.
Although the history of the Lencin is very old, the services are a profession that has been implemented in our country and has developed in our country. Domestic, Foreigners in Animatics Holiday Places; HO ş Spending time and staying more ı n ı It is a profession that provides. It is possible by knowing the technique of an animator. For this reason, they need to go through a good essay in those who think of performing this profession. Especially ways to have a good time for children ı n ı Knowing, this i ş It is one of the roads. They ı It is necessary to push it when you work. For this reason, the event should be considered as a trustworthy eye. This course is the best of music activities that need you in the animatalism. The ways to be able to implement, to be able to work while educating the roads ı To explain the pleasure ı At the end of the course you will be able to implement music activities in a conscious way.
Holiday Purposes and traveling to the accommodation facilities and the purpose of the purpose of the formation of the stress, tired, throwing them on the same time, traveling at the same time According to the data to see and to take culture and to make culture, the easiest way to organize animation activities and special organizations . Animation activities are on the side of the relief of tourists, the significant contribution to the increase in touristic demand. People come to holiday villages only for the day to be able to get to the day. For this reason, the regulation of animation activities in i ş has become a necessity rather than luxury. In order to obtain the expected effect of animation activities in the best way to obtain tourism in tourism, and the activity department in tourism and activity department ı By taking into account the resources of the hotel and the personnel in charge of the hotel, a plan and program is regulated in accordance with a plan and program. The activities included in the periodic programs of the Lance Services D ı Includes special organizations that are realized. Periodic organizations that will be done throughout the season during the seasonal package programs in the seasonal package programs are planned in the periodic package programs. ; Information in this course ı ş ı Selection of activities, planning special organization activities, pleasure, program will gain information and skills. By developing his talents and experiences in this field I wish you to be an animator.
Animators: Gezi programs are the one who organizes. Animator; With the sporting and cultural activities of it, people try to eliminate people. For this reason, the people who come to a vacation, or#305; n, gender, cultural and economic Determines their requirements and expectations according to their level. Regardless of the Group of the games to be played, the important thing is to have a good time for these activities. Animation Program. It plays an important role both from the opening of both business and our country's tourism. Thanks to the information in this course; Game activities that will be included in the animation program in the department of the Lance Services Department The rules required to enjoy and the materials required to be used will be informed about the materials. With this information, you will be able to enjoy activities by using it by using it. Remember, the human being, even if it is a child, enjoy playing games. Always want to be happy in your e ğ
Today, in tourism movements, people are resting, eating and drinking and so on. Needs ı Inside, the needs of educational needs ı It is also the finest in addition to its furtherness until you have been able to fall. From the lives of people to people, I won't be a month of life. And he gave him an important place. In tourism i ş Animation Programs ı Stage activities are created. People in animation This request is in line with qualified stage personnel Need ı n ı also brings. In general, this supply is usually foreign ı The personnel are made by the party. In the field of Turkish tourism, specialist, local animation teams need ı Vard ı Considering this need, stage activity programs at the time of this need ı Quality with the course Personnel raising the name of the name of the "ı ı ş It will be an important name. I hope. In our country It is possible to talk about the adequacy of a special equation in the animation scene area. Stage activity programs ı This is your hungry who finished the course with the beginning of the course. though in a piece We believe in the closure.
In the development of tourism, education services are also increased in the sector. In the animation shows, the game or activity put forward in the form of the desired effect ı and the purpose of reaching the appropriate make -up for the purpose of reaching ı In order to determine and create the desired effect, it is necessary to do it consciously and professionally. Makeup gives an appearance on the stage on the stage. Sometimes make -up in the characteristics of the character played. For example, the blind, ya, ya, ya#351; A good costume, accessory and make -up are required for a role of a character reflected. Using professional make -up materials in the scene makeup. In order for an animator to make his own make -up in the need for an animator, he should be able to develop make -up techniques, make -up techniques, make -up techniques, themes and costumes. In this course you will determine makeup materials, makeup varieties and stage make -up features.
The educational sector is very much in the world and in Turkey; and developed and developed. For this purpose, companies are established and serving in this sector. Demonstrations are organized both in accommodation facilities and in various organizations. In order for these activities to be more professionally, organizations to be realized with conscious, essential individuals are needed. Individuals to be involved in these organizations should have competence in dance, drama, half, special talent shows (illusion, hokkabaz, etc.) pandomim, music concerts and similar issues. Stage shows certificate; It will give you the necessary information in the field of pleasure, planning, application subjects in the field of E -Lence Services. In the department of the Lance Services with stage shows course, the scene by intermediate sources in accordance with the characteristics of the guests and the facility in accordance with the characteristics of the facility, You will be able to plan your shows in activities.
Exercise is an important part of a healthy life. Regular exercise helps the form of human form and health. Exercise does not only increase energy levels, but also helps to heal general health, blood circulation and the overall stance of the body. Young and health is the greatest and oldest desire of people. For this purpose, the effort was always more. Youth is naturally healthy. Exercise is the power expenditure of the body muscles. The aim of the exercise is to reach a level of physical and mentally beneficial and health level. There are many different shapes. Those who want to lose weight while increasing fitness will probably do regular aerobic exercises such as tour training, step-aerobic or dance lessons. Aerobic exercise is called cardiovascular exercise. This exercise accelerates the heartbeat that blood is faster in the body and more oxygen to the muscles to the muscles. Heating: It can greatly reduce the risk of injury during exercise, helping to remain flexible of the joints and muscles. Stretch; It is also an exercise program in itself. Yoga is an old Indian system that aims to integrate the mind, body and soul. Modern, Westernizedoga; Physical breathing and posturegzers are brought together. The guests who come to the enterprises want to empty their energy with sporting activities and games, reduce their tensions and get rid of the problems caused by the intense workmate. For this, they participate in the sporting activities applied in enterprises. They find the opportunity to establish new friendships in these activities. In this course, you will find out which principles the step-aerobic gymnastics are based on the principles of sporting activities, and you will reach the information required for you.
With this document, you can easily learn Latin American dances: Cha Cha cha RUMBA SAMBA PASO DEPRINK Jive APPLICATION Dance: Human is the first narrative art that emerged with the existence of his son. Today, the dance, which has aesthetic concerns and has taken incredible dimensions with other physical activities, is rapidly developing all over the world. The dance that grew with many trends in history is similar to an immortal person, adding something to himself with every time he sees. Sometimes the development of the wrong studies has slowed down a little bit, but the development of the world is accelerating today due to individuals who make their work more scientific. In our country, it is aimed to look at a developmental perspective with this book, which has the right perspective on the dance with this book.
With this document, you will learn the hall dances in a short time. The subjects described in the course are as follows: Techniques of Hall Dance VALS BASIC STEP TEACHING FOxtrot Basic Step Teaching QuickStep Basic Step Teaching Tango Basic Step Teaching
In this document, you can find detailed and picture description about gymnastics types: Water gymnastics Morning gymnastics Yoga Meditation Gymnastics Rules Materials to be used in gymnastics and properties Basic Skills Planning Preparation APPLICATION With this course, you will always learn more healthy slimming methods that are always valid instead of ridiculous techniques such as Maranki slimming.
Rhythm is the current of movements. Certain and regular movements are made in successive groups, to be seen and to be heard. We call the body to respond to these rhythms. Moving with rhythm continues in every process of human life starting from infancy. Every person who hears music rhythm moves according to his rhythm from a young age. With this course, you will learn to move by learning the right rhythm patterns, you will learn to act and dance by creating different rhythms. You will learn and apply differentiation tools and apply. In the first part of the course, you will learn to know the definition of rhythm, simple rhythm patterns, rhythm tools, creating rhythm yourself and gaining a sense of rhythm. In the second part, you will learn by applying the movement and rhythm togetherness. After taking this course, you will detect every rhythm you hear more quickly, realize the movements you can do with your own body, and learn the dance figures more quickly by combining the rhythm patterns with the movement. With this course, you will be able to prepare demonstrations by rhythm, movement and dancing in the entertainment services department.
Merengue, SALSA, ROCK ’ N Roll, Flamenco, Argentina Tango Dance Types of Basic Step Movements have been shown in detail If you want to learn these dances, download the following PDF file and take enough time and apply.
Detailed information about Halaylar: Zeybek, Halay, Çifttelli, Harmandalı sampling in Zeybek, Çifttelli sampling. Entertainment services have gained an important function in the accommodation enterprises in the tourism sector. The good service of this department depends on the success of the people who have acquired an animator. With this course, you will be able to gain the knowledge and skills of making Turkish folk dances, one of the folkloric values of our country, in the field of entertainment services. Thanks to these knowledge and skills, you will be able to transfer Turkish folk dances to people with a part of our culture and foreign people. Thus, you will have our culture. You will learn the place and importance of folk dances in the field of entertainment services and you will be able to progress further in the animal profession. In this course, you will be able to adapt the folk dances to the authority and make samples, except to know Turkish folk dances and to have knowledge. Nowadays, in order to protect our faster culture, a lower branch of folklore (folklore) needs people who have the right knowledge in the folk dances, and those who love their work.
Sports, society has entered life in many different ways. Both the approach of the press to sports, as well as the efforts of people to get rid of stress, to keep their bodies in form, and beyond all of them, the international achievements gained in sports have made sports important in the daily life and morale level of the society and gave an up-to-date dimension to sports. The positive contributions of sports to human mental and physical health are known; They have important roles such as socialization, self -confidence and establishing good relationships. Indeed, there is no doubt that sport contributes to social and cultural development in terms of social and cultural development in terms of social fusion and national solidarity. With this course; In the Entertainment Services Department, you will be able to learn the implementation process of individual sports and comprehend the materials and their characteristics that can exhibit individual sports in accordance with international rules and technique.
In the entertainment services, various activities, demonstrations and shows are held for guests to have good time and have fun. While making these programs, the cultural values of the country are also emphasized. It is even exhibited in Bazışov. The traditional entertainment of our country had an important place in the life of people in the past years. Over time, the understanding of entertainment has changed. Traditional entertainment was not as demand as before. However, in entertainment services, some art programs are inspired by traditional entertainment with the change in recent years (the use of differences). Recognizing the differences makes important clues in responding to their expectations. We must recognize the culture of our wildcators and introduce them to our own culture. In your hand, our culture and elements are described. Examples of our traditional cultural values are given. In addition, some methods are told to learn the culture of other countries. In general, this document will be able to use the Turkish cultural characteristics and the characteristics of different country cultures according to the characteristics of the program.
Mythos; In Greek, the word means story. Myths; They are stories born from the need to connect various images of life and universe to the ease of meaning of the life and the universe that they have not yet solved the secret by designing the universe, the world and the events of the world, the world and the events of nature. Myths become materials for epos, ie epics. Mythology means the systematic sum of myth knowledge and myths. The first thing that comes to mind when we talk about world mythology is Greek and Roman mythologies. It can be said that classical mythology consists of the first myths of Greek mythology. In fact, according to many researchers, classical mythology is the other name of Greek mythology. The reason why all other nations came to mind, Greek and Roman (Latin) stories before the legends of the early ages is that the Greek and Roman (Latin) mythologies have been nurturing European art and literature for centuries.
Mythological stories and epics will be very useful especially for people who serve in tourist fields. Old Mesopotamian mythologies, Sumerian mythology , Anatolian gods, Kibele (Kybele), Artemis, Hittite mythology, Lydian and Lydian mythologies, Lydia (Lydia) Mythologies, Lycian Mythologies, Phrygian Mythology, Old Turkish Epics, Oguz Kaan Epic, Manas and Shah, Creation (Derivative) Epic, Alp Er Tunga and Bozkurt epics 2008
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