Early childhood skills and behaviors, adulthood It forms the basis of behaviors during the period. Self -Care and Daily Life Skills are required to meet the needs of the child without dependent on others includes skills. Children cleaning, dressing, sleep, etc. their physical needs In order to meet, they must come to a certain level of maturity of mental and psychomotor. Self -care skills because it does not reach sufficient maturity until the age of two They need adult help in performing. After three years of age, adults, help to reduce gradually and to perform the child's self -care skills The possibility should be provided. It should not be forgotten that people learn as they live. As self -care skills develop in children, their personal needs in society They take their place as individuals who can resolve and self -sufficient. With the development of self -care skills, children have their own care and cleaning When they learn to realize independently, when they need to follow They also learn to decide that they should. With the information you have gained from this course, self-care skills for 36- 72 months children By learning what you need to pay attention to while trying to gain, in the educational environment You will be able to make applications. 36-72 months with your skills and experiences Cleaning habit of his child, dressing skills, toilet training skills, sleep, resting Guidance to gaining the ability to comply with social rules. child nutrition for behaviors related to assembly skills You can take advantage of the courses.
Children's activities are implemented in a day in preschool education institutions and It covers all activities that support the child's all developmental areas. In education Considering the principle of integrity, the child's activities are in every aspect of the child they are activities that allow them to develop and prepare it for the future in all aspects. Children's activities, the child's preschool education program, all the aims and It can also be said that the gains. Many aspects of the child (creativity, sharing, Emotional relaxation, research-questioning, curiosity, using the language effectively, comment During these activities developing. Children's activities alone cannot be considered, each complement each other and each has features that improve different aspects of the child. Art activities within the scope of children's activities in preschool education, Turkish Language activities, play events, music activities, science and nature activities, to read and write Preparatory studies are included. Preschool Education Program within the scope of these activities is done. In this course, by recognizing activities in accordance with the age and developmental characteristics of children you can choose. In addition, the ability to prepare this activity and apply it to children you will get. Choosing the appropriate activity with the guidance of the sample event and equipment given, New information and skills in order to prepare and implement by using your creativity You will win.
There is learning by living on the basis of contemporary education. Rapidly developing In parallel with technology, people can also see themselves actively, who can see themselves. raising in a feature with a productive, creative structure that can express correctly The most important power source of society is knowledge. Active learning methods Usage ensures that information is permanent. “ I see I forget, I hear I remember, I do I learn ” It emphasizes the importance of learning by living by making Chinese proverbs. Drama In the development of children's physical, cognitive, emotional and social abilities, active and It is important to be creative. With this course, creativity and creative thought prevents the development of creativity Factors, the role of adults and educators in the development of creativity and drama You will learn about basic concepts and drama in education. This information you have acquired You will be able to use it in early childhood education and special education applications.
Special education is important in the development and education of gifted and special talented child. It has a place. The presence of gifted and special talented child is as old as the history of humanity Although it is, educational and training activities for them are more new. These studies Within the scope, educational programs for gifted and special talented children have been developed, special Trained personnel were trained, educational environments were prepared, private schools were opened and private vehicle – Materials have been developed. This is for the gifted and special talented child. Studies are renewed and developed in parallel with the developments in science and technology. The development of gifted and special talented children is more beneficial to the society in the future In order to fully reveal its existing capacity, its features are good. It should be known. By those interested in the education of the child, superior intelligence and special Recognition of talented children, they achieve success by showing healthy development and It is very important for them to rise to higher levels qualified. We will present to the child Consciously selected stimulants, tools, consciously arranged educational environments and It supports gifted and talented children in a healthy way with activities and development It allows them to use their capacity at the highest level. While preparing activities for children Individual differences of children should be considered In this course, by learning the characteristics of children's gifted and special abilities, You will be able to help children's development in this field effectively. Gifted and special With the guidance of the sample activity and equipment given about the talent, you select the appropriate activity. Using your creativity, new information and skills to prepare original tools You will win.
Early childhood education and special education are an important place in child development and education. amount. The presence of the disabled people is as old as the history of humanity, but in the contemporary sense Their training is new. Special Education, which has gone through different stages as understanding and application In recent years, it has been accepted as an integral part of general education. The relationship between the child's self and the environment must be compatible. If you harmony If not, the development of the child will be disrupted and their relationship with their environment will deteriorate. Person is a social entity. He cannot live alone, he is unhappy and desperate when he is alone feels. It is important that incompatible children are diagnosed early before their age progresses. In the child mismatch; If it is not noticed, if it is ignored, these behaviors will settle in time, It will be even more difficult for the child to get rid of incompatibility. It's too much to break down stereotypes It is difficult; However, it is much easier to gain new behaviors. Special training activities are efforts that require intensive work and patience. Incompatible With the education given to children, they can adapt to society and be enough And it is aimed to be happy individuals. In this course; By learning the difficulty of harmony and children with difficulty adaptation, this You will be able to help children effectively. Showing harmony and difficulty in adaptation The activity in accordance with the characteristics of those who can recognize children and show difficulties You will gain new information and skills to prepare.
With the ability of the individual to live a happy and successful life, to communicate healthy provided. The child reaches this consciousness through education. Life line, starting from a young age It is determined by experiences in different environments. The child's ability to become a social being, revealing his own identity, problems In terms of the society in which he lived in a healthy, hardworking, creative personality by finding a solution It is of great importance. Drama applications are equipped with the child in terms of the benefits it provides. plays a major role in participating in the society as an individual. He recognizes his identity and body. He recognizes individuals living in his environment, communicates with them, harmonization shows, learns to trust them. Concentrates on his work, together in his work It fuses, shares, searches and finds solutions to problems. Producing new ideas It adapts to different situations. With all these gains, a happy, social, successful, healthy He realizes that he is an existence. Drama applications early childhood education institutions In daily activities, it is used for educational purposes in every process. This is also By contributing to your own education with the information you will get from the course, at the same time You will be able to benefit from your applications in early childhood education institutions. You can get different and enjoyable experiences by learning drama applications, a conscious You may be a drama participant. Leadership by maintaining your work individually You can do. Information about drama application steps in the course prepared for this purpose to learn, make sample applications about these steps and special education You will be able to develop drama application skills with children requiring.
Education, starting from the first days of the individual's life, influenced it in every aspect, every It aimed to make people grow and live better in the age. The first step of education Preschool education period covers the period up to 72 months in our country. The basis of the skills of children in the fields of development is laid in this period. The most of my development It is very well planned to capture and evaluate this period when it is fast and variable. It is possible with training programs. Preparing programs in preschool education institutions is an important and demanding attention. The subject is increasingly accepted. Preschool education is the most variable of development And it is the fastest period. It is well prepared to evaluate this rapidly changing period It happens with training programs. Preschool education program is not only some behaviors in the child, but also The developmental characteristics of children in different social structure and their education It has to consider the basic principles and principles of the system. Preschool period Due to the continuous, rapid development of the child and the short periods of interest Pre -preparation and plan is needed. In this course; Annual plan and daily plan in accordance with early childhood education You will be able to prepare. In addition, an annual plan and daily plan in accordance with early childhood education You will get the ability to apply. Annual Plan in accordance with early childhood education and With the guidance of the sample activity and equipment given about daily plan work, you to prepare your annual and daily role by using your creativity. You will gain new information and skills to apply.
Turkish language activities are one of the group activities under the guidance of teachers. Every technical applied during these activities to support the development of the child should be used. Children from the moment they are born, the rules of the language spoken around them and They begin to perceive their meaning. Starting to make a sound with crying immediately after birth The child then with the help of the social and physical environment in the natural environment improves speech skills. Children win the language through various stages. Before Only crying children are increasingly listening to the sounds of people and objects around them. they start. When they start to perceive that these sounds they listen to are different They begin to create differences in the sounds they make. Then to combine sounds (Babıldama), to make sounds length of words (jargons), adult words The sound used to give different meanings, but often used to give different meanings, and finally They start making the first words. These first words of children are very important. Because now Using words, they communicate with their environment. Verbal Communication Structures in Language using it by using. As the children get older, they consist of two words sentences, sentences of three words, and then complex sentences. For this reason, in educational institutions in the age of 0-6 years, which were developed very rapidly Turkish language activities should be included in the program every day. In this course, Turkish language activities in accordance with the developmental characteristics of children You will be able to choose by recognizing. In addition, to prepare this activity and apply to children You will get the skill. The sample activity and equipment given about Turkish language activities Under the guidance, you can choose the appropriate activity, prepare it using your creativity and You will gain new information and skills to apply.
Play is an activity that is important in the development of children. In the immediate vicinity, then in social environments. He notices, takes responsibility, learns social rules. In terms of thoughts, emotions and relationships Gains control through the game. The game needs special education, as in the development of normal children Children also play an important role in their education. Children's emotional and intellectual lives are reflected in their games. Your games Its structure helps to evaluate certain disorders in child psychiatry. The games played in the early diagnosis of children in need of special education, their development helps us in progress. Support and courage to start and maintain children with disabilities they need. These children are more passive and removal. The games you choose and It will contribute to the development of children with the activities you will prepare, necessary In cases, helping them to direct them and help them to gain desired behaviors. you will. Thanks to the knowledge and skill you will get with this course; According to the type of apology in special education You will be able to select and recognize game activities. It will also prepare this activity and You will get the ability to apply to children. According to the type of apology in special education With the guidance of the sample activity and equipment given about game activities, you to be able to choose the appropriate activity, to prepare using your creativity and You will gain new information and skills to apply.
The first skill that man has gained as a child is listening. The basis of our language skills Listening. It communicates with our listening, understanding and speaking skills and language We realize the effectiveness. Children perform the most effective learning by perceiving their senses. With this way They receive all the information about their environment and make sense. The most robust for their next learning they configure the foundations. For whatever reason, in one of these senses or The loss of function in several functions significantly restricts information input and great in front of learning. It creates an obstacle. Children with disabilities have education rights like normal children. Disability Special training and educational element is needed to eliminate or minimize. In special education, education is provided according to the disability group of disabled children. In special education Turkish language activities are applied to all disabled children in accordance with the apology group. This At the stage, children with disabilities to benefit from Turkish language activities sufficiently and special that these competencies will be gained in order to realize the education principles more meaningful. is thought. Objectives of Turkish Language Activities applied in private educational institutions In order to gain the necessary competencies in line with this learning activity prepared we are. Definition, Importance of Turkish Language Activities in Special Education in our learning activity characteristics, effects on the development of the child, planning, implementation of activities and The equipment in accordance with the characteristics of the points to be considered in the evaluation and the characteristics of the activities We discussed the issues related to preparation. Turkish language activities in special education at the end of the prepared learning activity You will be able to recognize and apply the activities by making the necessary preparations.
Free Time Activities All children who need or not need special education It is an important activity in its development. Studies in free time activities as they support children's development in social, emotional, mental, psychomotor fields It also has very important benefits in the development of creativity and imagination. Free Time Activities In the early diagnosis of children in need of special education, obstacle to support the development of the field and to reveal its potential at the highest level. It is an activity that helps. The free time we prepared in line with this information By supporting the development of children with their activities You will help the gains. With the knowledge and skills you have acquired in this course; Free time activities in special education You will be able to choose by recognizing and planning these activities according to the apology group, You will be able to prepare and get the ability to apply to children. To the type of apology in special education According to the sample activity and equipment guidance given about free time activities, In order to prepare and apply appropriate activities by using your creativity, new wise You will gain skills
Every individual who constitutes the society and a member of the society has equal value. SOCIETY His happiness and integrity can be achieved with the happiness and integrity of all individuals. This is It is possible by providing education opportunities according to the principle of equal opportunities. Whatever the location of every human being has the right to education, various For reasons, in terms of individual characteristics and educational competences, it is much more Variable “ Special Education ” in accordance with the types of disability of the individuals who require Training in environments is the most natural needs and rights Special education is undoubtedly an expensive education. But children in need of special education Making a citizen who will become self -sufficient is more than being a consumer for life. It will cost cheap. This training, children in need of special education is the protection of others and He saves his mercy and makes it a confident honorable person. For children in need of special education in this course, in accordance with the apology group, sample annual and under the guidance of daily plans, you can prepare the appropriate annual and daily You will gain information and skills. Suitable for the abilities of children in need of special education They will contribute to their development by preparing the training program. You will be able to help them become sufficient individuals by recognizing their developmental characteristics. their current abilities at the highest level and their education You will be able to ensure that they move from consumers to produce. “ There are no insufficient people in the world! ” Realizing how important and necessary special education is based on the principle. you will arrive.
In special education, education is provided according to the disability group of disabled children. In special education Preparation for literacy for all disabled children in accordance with the apology group is applied. Preparation skills in children with special education in need of special education can be prepared within the individualized curriculum, and in the teaching process The prepared steps can be applied in a certain order. Within the individualized training program, children with special needs, apology and According to their species, perceptions of concepts used in daily life are simple and understandable. With instructions, to win various skills in line with these concepts, in special education It is included in the preparation of literacy. For this reason, read and write skills given in special education, disabled The concepts of children and gain a number of skills in line with these concepts is of great importance in terms of. Thanks to the knowledge and skills you will get with this course, according to the type of apology in special education You will be able to choose by recognizing the preparation activities for literacy. Also this activity You will be able to prepare and apply to children. Apology in special education The sample activity and equipment given to reading and writing activities according to the type Under the guidance, you can choose to choose the appropriate activity, to prepare and prepare your creativity and You will gain new information and skills to apply.
Human beings, who started to hear when they are still in the womb, the first to follow the birth His reaction to music from the days is known. Music is an aesthetic value It is also a very important educational tool for educators. The education of children with disabilities as well as the education of children with normal development programs should be placed in. Music activities, education of children with disabilities The problems that can be encountered with these children while being placed in the program ignored should not be. While determining the goals for these children, the educator will work all the children. Considering the development areas, development levels, apology groups and degrees, It should take into account the level of ready -to -discovery levels. Objectives to be determined in this way When determining, you must follow a row from simple to difficult and education by stepping. It should be placed in the program. The music to be prepared by taking into account these will provide numerous benefits for children of all obstacles. should not be forgotten. Thanks to the knowledge and skill you will get with this course; According to the type of apology in special education You will be able to choose by recognizing music activities. It will also prepare this activity and You will get the ability to apply to children. Music according to the type of apology in special education With the guidance of the sample activity and equipment given about their activities, you are also appropriate activity New information and to prepare and implement using your creativity, You will gain skills.
In child development and education, special education has an important place. In life The basic information we need to know for every event and problem we encounter is at a very young age. We start to buy and get it. Science and Nature Activities In preparing children for life, external It has an important place in recognizing the world and nature. In the education of children in need of special education, the perception of the world, problem solving Science and nature activities in the development of abilities, increasing experience and skills It is of great importance. Especially selected, planned, prepared and implemented in special education NATURE ACTIVITIES In accordance with these children's apology group and apology When it is prepared, it has an important and effective place in the development of children. In this respect The teacher has an important role. The teacher to the necessary equipment, information and skills on this subject must have, selecting activities according to the apology groups and degree, planning and You should know the application well. Inquiries and learning by doing and living by doing and living It should ensure that they are active in events. Child -centered A training is a factor that facilitates active learning. In this course; to recognize and prepare science and nature activities in special education. and will learn to practice, effectively helping children's development in this field. you can. Exemplary activities and exemplary activities for science and nature activities in special education Under the guidance of the tool, you are also unique to choose the appropriate activity, using your creativity. You will gain new knowledge and skills to prepare and implement activities.
In the provision of self -care skills in special education, it is in normal children such as disabled children can meet their requirements on their own It is important. The development of self -care skills that begin early in a normal child's life It shows the beginning of independence in parents. Therefore, the child's apology and characteristics The appropriate skills should be selected and taught from a very young age. The main purpose of teaching self -care skills; Some basic skills of the child to win. The child who has gained these skills is acting independently from the environment. and will have gained self -confidence. Control the child's own behavior It is very important to learn to be able to. The child, to fulfill his wishes that time cannot be dependent on others and to do it by taking responsibility. He must find out that there are jobs. In this course; By learning self -care skills in special education, their development in this field You will be able to help effectively. FACE WASHING IN SPECIAL EDUCATION (foot, mouth, teeth, nail, nose, eye, ear cleaning) habit, dressing, toilet training, nutrition habit, environment and environment, sleep-groove habit, leather and bathroom Cleaning, hair care and shaving habits, sports and exercise habit can comprehend, Preparing activities for self -care skills in accordance with the characteristics of disabled people and You will gain new information and skills to apply.
Early childhood education has an important place in child development and education. Child and Knowing its development can be described as recognizing human beings. The first years of life, the individual The basis of its development is the basic knowledge and skills in these early development years It is of great importance due to its acquisition. These basic knowledge and skills to children through game earned. The game is indispensable for children. The game starts from birth and children It is a learning tool that maintains its influence throughout their lives. The game of all skills and experiences that contribute to all developmental areas of the child It is a serious effort to develop behaviors that are integrated and mature. With the game, the child thinks, gains experience, provides a natural and active learning environment for him. Game and training should be considered as a whole. In this course, game activities, definition, the place and importance of the game in early childhood, The effects of the game on the development of the child, the stages, features and varieties of the game By learning, you will be able to help children's development effectively. Game In line with the examples given about their activities, you learn the game activities. Choosing games suitable for children's characteristics, preparing and applying game activities You will earn new information and skills.
HE Yun is an activity covering the child's life. Nature, self, other people and recognizes objects through game. The child learns to learn while playing. Early childhood In the institutions that provide education, the most effective way to provide education to children is the game. With the child The game is used in communication, reaching it, gaining information and skills. Children's motivation in the future is high, sociable, independent and independent to be individuals who can move, by preparing a suitable game and game environment for them You can provide. With the games you will plan and apply, social, which values people, nature The role of the raising of individuals who care about, high perception and interpretation and researcher individuals you will receive. Thanks to the knowledge and skills you will get in this course, in early childhood education You will be able to use the game. It will enable you to communicate with children and train them You will be able to plan the game activity.
In today's society, the world created by children is a rapidly increasing world. It is seen that it develops at pace and that the production of specific production has become a separate sector. Child Stores, films prepared for children, theaters, private television programs, children Clubs, restaurants, as well as companies that want to recognize and increase their potential They also organize animation activities for children. Animation activities show and stage art. Facial painting activities in this art being interesting It has an important role. Face painting has been done since ancient times. In wars in primitive tribes, religious People painted their faces at ceremonies and for entertainment purposes. Scene today Everyone who dealt with their arts is to look more attractive and to be in accordance with the character he plays They paint or make up their faces. Due to the rapid development and interest of the child in preschool education Visual education is a very important place in order to ensure that learning permanently keeps. In the realization of this training, learning technical and Methods are more needed. The permanence and continuity of education depends. In this direction, directing, encouraging, supporting them of families and Educators should have the main task. With the knowledge and skills you will obtain in this course, the face suitable for the character in animation Detecting painting (makeup) techniques, selecting face painting materials suitable for the character He gained basic information about it and in preparing this information application skills You will be individuals who can use.
Education and training are very important for children as for every individual. However There are some children who have some problems and difficulties in terms of education. These are learning They are children with difficulty. Children with difficulty in education are within normal limits; But in learning They are children with difficulty. Children with learning difficulties, mentally insufficient and behavior We should not confuse children with disorder. Children with learning difficulties; speech, Listening, thinking, writing, having difficulty in solving mathematical problems, understanding, Inadequacy in one or more of the psychological processes in using written and oral language show children. In this course; The characteristics of children with learning difficulties, classification, By learning the issues of diagnosis, prevalence, reasons, trainings, prevention, in this field You will be able to help their development effectively. Children with learning difficulties New information and skills to prepare and implement activities suitable for the characteristics You will win.
The game life, which the child does not separate from his real life, decorates his dreams His toys are a fun way to lead him to adulthood. The child is slow, slow on this road He develops, learns, is educated and experiences sweet memories that will leave a mark on his life. Nowadays, for the healthy development and education of a child in physical and mental terms It is accepted that the game is as important as sleep and nutrition. Game, It contributes to the physics, movement, language, mind, social and emotional development of the child. Game, It improves the creativity of the child and increases his imagination. Children's Language Use The ability also develops rapidly while playing games. The child's feelings and thoughts are the most natural It reveals the way through the game. Especially the language of young children's children, expressing themselves Since it is not at a level, the game; It is a means of self -expression for the child. Moreover It can be considered as the most healthy and natural method for adults to recognize the child. Game, Spirit As a treatment tool for children with various problems in terms of health is used. Considering that the game is as old as human history and its importance for children, how much the knowledge and experience of the educators on this subject is better. will be understood. In this course, which was prepared for this purpose, identifying resources to develop a game album. The games you can prepare the game album and the games you selected from the game album at the events You will have the application knowledge and skills.
Early childhood education has an important place in child development and education. How students should behave in various situations Turkish National Education ’ shows the objectives. These aims are put in programs according to schools. Teacher, Taking into account the individual differences of students, their aims can be realized and realized. converts education goals. According to the research conducted in behavioral sciences, primarily It has been revealed that the child's problem -solving ability should be developed. To detect read-writing preparation work, to attach attention, to the word Increasing repertoire, encouraging oral narratives, hand and eye coordination, pencil Developing, matching, establishing different relationships, grouping, It will facilitate mental functions such as ranking, incomplete completion and comparison It covers activities. These activities started with the teacher's recognition, individual and It is the activity carried out with small group works. In this period, children's preparation with primary school It is one of the social goals of early childhood education. Organized at school There is a positive relationship between education experiences and the development of students. Early In childhood education, literacy preparation studies have an important place. In this course; Preparation for literacy in accordance with the developmental characteristics of children You will be able to choose by recognizing your work. In addition, preparing this activity and children You will get the ability to apply. About Literacy Preparation Studies Under the guidance of the sample activity and equipment given, you also choose the appropriate activity, New information and skills in order to prepare and implement by using your creativity you will win
Individuals who differ from normal individuals due to some obstacles His trainings are important in terms of community order and harmony. In recent years, disabled students Special education needs in normal education environments without separating them from normal peers It has found a wide area of application. This application called inclusion, A process that starts and ends with the placement of disabled students in normal classes is understood as. However, the inclusion of the disabled student to the normal class In addition to being placed, it is an important and technical that requiring various regulations. is the application. “ inclusion training, which emerged as a very wide area of service, ” Supporting the ability of individuals with needy to stand on their feet in society, It is an education that prevents the abstraction of disabled individuals from society. A successful teacher The assistant, the needs of people with special needs and the harmony of society, the society in line with their values and in the best way. Such a success is with this lesson In addition to the training you will receive, when you combine your researcher's soul and your creativity, and the team It will emerge when you establish positive relationships with your friends. With this course, the justification for the inclusion practices and a successful inclusion For individuals who will learn about the conditions of the application and have different obstacles You will be able to plan inclusion training. Also the information you will get from this course When you share with the people around you, you will contribute to the consciousness of society.
Early childhood education and special education are an important place in child development and education. amount. An effective and creative educational environment and having information about this environment early It is very important in childhood education. Therefore, the developmental characteristics of children Knowingly, preparing them creative environments and events and having information about this It will be very important for you. Children express themselves through the game and make various animations. From the moment they are born, they begin to communicate with the environment. By doing – by living and They gain experience with fun. Each child is born individually with different characteristics. With the education of the child Interested individuals should know the developmental characteristics, interests and needs of children, imagination It should support their power, creativity and creative education environment. Animation activities used in tourism sector and preschool education period encourages children, to talk properly and correctly, to influence others with what they tell, to express himself by using his physical movements and gestures and gestures, in the initiative It enables them to gain the ability to be found, to manage themselves and others. Because Conscious, creative, supportive, organized animation shows and Activities leave a big mark in children's lives. These activities and shows to children individual differences should be taken into consideration while preparing In this course; Basic concepts of animation, animation and child animation Investigating the activities to identify the points to be considered in their studies. You will also be able to prepare the animation organization and children's animation studies You will gain new knowledge and skills to plan and implement it.
Education is a process that continues from birth to death. Personality foundations were laid In early childhood education has a special importance. Early childhood; Your life covers the first six years. This period; Children's physical, mental, social, emotional is the fastest development period. Music in early childhood; your child It occupies an important place in socialization and development of personality. The child heard around It is always in music with sounds and music sounds. Music in early childhood When it comes to education, it should not come to mind that only the child sings and dances. Early It is important to use many studies together in music education in childhood. However, in this way, the child has a good music education and at the end of this music love occurs. Early childhood, listening to sound in music education, distinguishing sounds and sound Producing works, breathing works, rhythm studies, singing work, Creative Dance Studies, Musical Dramatation Studies, Musical Story Studies It is included in the studies to be done. Thus, the child's age and developmental characteristics By keeping, the help of the development of music ability and rhythm. you can. In this course, the sample activity and equipment given about music activity Under the guidance, you can choose the appropriate music activities, music activities You will have the knowledge and ability to prepare and apply.
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