Every individual who constitutes the society and a member of the society has equal value. SOCIETY
His happiness and integrity can be achieved with the happiness and integrity of all individuals. This is
It is possible by providing education opportunities according to the principle of equal opportunities.
Whatever the location of every human being has the right to education, various
For reasons, in terms of individual characteristics and educational competences, it is much more
Variable “ Special Education ” in accordance with the types of disability of the individuals who require
Training in environments is the most natural needs and rights
Special education is undoubtedly an expensive education. But children in need of special education
Making a citizen who will become self -sufficient is more than being a consumer for life.
It will cost cheap. This training, children in need of special education is the protection of others and
He saves his mercy and makes it a confident honorable person.
For children in need of special education in this course, in accordance with the apology group, sample annual
and under the guidance of daily plans, you can prepare the appropriate annual and daily
You will gain information and skills. Suitable for the abilities of children in need of special education
They will contribute to their development by preparing the training program.
You will be able to help them become sufficient individuals by recognizing their developmental characteristics.
their current abilities at the highest level and their education
You will be able to ensure that they move from consumers to produce. “ There are no insufficient people in the world! ”
Realizing how important and necessary special education is based on the principle.
you will arrive.
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