Early childhood education and special education are an important place in child development and education.
amount. The presence of the disabled people is as old as the history of humanity, but in the contemporary sense
Their training is new. Special Education, which has gone through different stages as understanding and application
In recent years, it has been accepted as an integral part of general education.
Every child is born with a different cognitive structure and abilities.
Recognition of children with mental disabilities by those interested in the education of the child
to achieve success by showing a healthy development and qualified to higher levels
It is very important for them to get out. We will present to the child before and after birth
Consciously selected stimulants, tools, consciously arranged educational environments and
It supports mentally disabled children in a healthy way with activities and their developmental capacity
It allows them to use at the highest level. While preparing activities for children, children's individual
Differences should be considered. This is the development of mentally disabled children
It can be by knowing the features and process.
In this course, learning the developmental characteristics of mentally disabled children in this field
You will be able to help their development effectively. Mentally disabled children's development
By learning the features, you will be able to help their development effectively.
To recognize mentally disabled people, to prepare activities in accordance with the characteristics of mental disabled and
You will gain new information and skills to apply.
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How to work with a child with a child with mental disabilities
26-02-2011 16:33
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