We perceive and recognize the outside world through our senses. As it is known, the eye is the most important It is one of the sensory organs. As a window that opens out to the outside of our eyes we can think. The inadequacy of the sense of vision affects human life very negatively. Because to see life normally and to fulfill many tasks There is a need. Children who see many concepts and skills that are necessary for everyday life They learn by observing and imitating adults without any effort. Yet vision If learning experiences cannot be provided to children with inadequacy, many concepts and skills They can't have it easy. Like every human being, his disabled people continue their lives without needing anyone in every field their most natural rights. The importance given to the education of disabled children today is increasing. Training and community of children with visually impaired children There is a need for the grown element in this field. In this course; By recognizing the sense of vision, the causes of visually impaired, classification And you will learn ways to prevent visually impaired. Visually impaired children You will gain new information and skills to prepare activities that are suitable for the features.
Free time activities; under the guidance of teachers in preschool education institutions, that children are interested in small groups in line with their own interests and needs. activities. These two basic activities are one Education is successful in between and when it is carried out in a balanced way. Children according to their own wishes and interests during their free time activities Most of the time, when they turn to an event with their own friends, adults They become more creative in a comfortable and free environment without feeling pressure, they engage in experiments. And they can freely reveal their inventions. Preschool education's child's social, mental, emotional, language and physical development With the quality of the gains, learning and teaching environment. directly related. To facilitate learning, the learning environment, children needs to be arranged in line with their needs. In this course; Free time in early childhood education institutions Planning the activities, organizing the educational environment, children to activities When directing, you will grasp the points to be considered. Also this activity You will be able to prepare and apply to children. Free With the guidance of the sample activities and equipment given about time activities, you Using your creativity, new information and in order to prepare and implement You will gain skills.
Animation, the imagination, creativity of children in preschool periods, artistic As an educational method that improves sensitivity, aesthetics, mental skills. conceivable. In preschool education, the preference of animation, children having fun It allows them to learn, allowing to support their creativity and children It allows them to actively participate in activities. Animation shows are art activities that appeal to the eye in the first place. Therefore In order for the audience to easily imagine the described subject and the portrayed character Costumes are utilized. Animation without costumes is limited to expression only. With a costume Together, sometimes even one accessory can be enough to make the narration strong. Costumes are the most important motivation tool that increases the success of the animator. Animator It takes responsibility by entering the character of the personality in the costume. In the activities carried out for children, using costumes on children The effect is undeniable. However, what is important here is suitable for the age of children, cute and The instructor is to use costumes that may come. Children's costumes are scary and unpleasant They should not find themselves enthusiastic to wear the same costume. In this course, in accordance with the developmental characteristics of children, costumes suitable for children and You will be able to choose accessories by recognizing. In addition, planning these costumes and accessories and You will get the ability to apply to children. Costumes in accordance with child activities and The sample activity and equipment guidance given about accessories are appropriate. New information and to prepare and implement using your creativity, You will gain skills and create an archive for animation activities.
Early childhood education has an important place in child development and education. Early Science and Nature with the fact that programs in childhood education are no longer being subject to subject His work has been more valuable. Research, asking, questioning, accepting something as it is Science and nature in the raising of individuals who do His work has an important place. These studies are multifaceted by children from an early age. to think, to gain problem solving skills, their feelings of curiosity and By learning the world with all the senses to improve their creativity, by doing and living gives them the opportunity to explore. Children enjoy and learn by trying, trying and learning more easily. It is not in the form of teaching the child to learn what he wants. Science and Nature With his work, the child participates in learning with all his body and senses. What to the child Instead of teaching how to do, how to do or what to learn The studies will be supported by self -learning. Child -centered, active It is also very important in terms of providing learning. In this course; to recognize, prepare and prepare and know science and nature activities will learn to apply, effective help of children's development in this field you can. Exemplary activities and equipment given to science and nature activities Under the guidance, you choose the appropriate activity, using your creativity original activities You will gain new information and skills to prepare and implement.
Early childhood skills and behaviors, adulthood It forms the basis of behaviors during the period. Having a healthy body and spirit structure One of the main conditions of raising individuals is in their clean and healthy environments, to ensure growth and development away from danger and accidents. Within the framework of this requirement As well as being clean and healthy, the environment is clean and healthy, both early In terms of being a model for children in childhood, as well as healthy and safe life It is of great importance in terms of developing awareness and gaining habits and attitudes. To ensure the safety of children at home, educational institutions and playgrounds Taking all kinds of measures, ensuring that they are protected from diseases is the first against possible accidents. To make aid practices is one of the basic elements of the consciousness of being an individual. One of the main functions of education is that future generations are healthy and this they can continue. Healthy individual, healthy society with the understanding of peace and peace It will guarantee its happiness and economic and social development. During childhood, due to the rapid development and growth of children curiosity and interests, environmental research requests, very active but possible in the environment their unconscious against dangers are often sick, accidents and dangers. causes them to encounters. As learning experiences become permanent, children with reinforcement They can have the competence to protect. However, until this stage, the child's care and education The person should be knowledgeable, experienced and sensitive about health and safety. There is no compensation for the damages that may occur to human life. Therefore, from danger and accidents, to protect from diseases and to live in hygienic environments, at the same time the development of self -respect and love of the person and to be in continuity contributes. With the information you have obtained from this course, the hygiene of yourself and the working environment It will take the necessary measures against possible danger, accidents and child diseases, simple first. You will earn new information and skills for help applications. In order to increase your knowledge and experiences in this course, mother-child health And you can also take advantage of self -care courses in early childhood.
Research has been in all regions of the world since ancient times. shows that it is played. In each period, it was produced in a different way according to the characteristics of the age and They were used. they knew how to do. This is fun and interesting for children and adults When small assets are prepared and used correctly, to very valuable education materials turns. Particularly in the preschool period, puppet is a great impact on the development of children. does. Puppet is often played by children, sometimes teacher story can use as a means of narrative. Children to the personality of the puppet they play He can easily express his own feelings by taking on, in the meantime, language development and dream The development of their powers is positively affected. Puppet activities in recognizing children and great help to educators to obtain important information about children provides. The information and skills you will obtain in this course and the basic information about puppet, Individuals who can use this information in preparing a puppet preparation you will.
Early childhood education and special education are an important place in child development and education. amount. The presence of the disabled people is as old as the history of humanity, but in the contemporary sense Their training is new. Special Education, which has gone through different stages as understanding and application In recent years, it has been accepted as an integral part of general education. Every child is born with a different cognitive structure and abilities. Recognition of children with mental disabilities by those interested in the education of the child to achieve success by showing a healthy development and qualified to higher levels It is very important for them to get out. We will present to the child before and after birth Consciously selected stimulants, tools, consciously arranged educational environments and It supports mentally disabled children in a healthy way with activities and their developmental capacity It allows them to use at the highest level. While preparing activities for children, children's individual Differences should be considered. This is the development of mentally disabled children It can be by knowing the features and process. In this course, learning the developmental characteristics of mentally disabled children in this field You will be able to help their development effectively. Mentally disabled children's development By learning the features, you will be able to help their development effectively. To recognize mentally disabled people, to prepare activities in accordance with the characteristics of mental disabled and You will gain new information and skills to apply.
The aim of the education is to direct the individual according to their interests and abilities and to solve their problems. To help, to make a civilized member of the society. What is the special education in this course, how to do, how to individuals with special status diagnosis, how to help them, prevent the obstacle and early diagnosis The importance of a family with a disabled child, the social-psychological state, to them You will learn how to guide. The teacher has a very important role among special education services. Special requirement It has a general information in your work with children and the laws in this field and You will learn the regulations. While doing these studies, only helps others Not in terms of being, but in the life time ourselves, a relative, our child is one tomorrow He can be a disabled candidate, acting with his thought, very good ourselves in this field We must grow. Thus, educated, happy, productive, confident, sufficient in his profession You will be an individual. With this course, the measures to be taken to prevent the obstacle and the groups of obstacles You will be able to prepare an activity to teach classification. Also, the disabled child In order to implement studies on guidance to parents for acceptance, new You will gain knowledge and skills.
Have you seen someone who grew up without playing games? Even when individuals are adults They continue the game. A mother who plays a house with her little daughter at home, match with her son A father who makes a granddaughter in the park with his grandson, then a grandfather who plays with them, the game It is one of the examples showing its place in our lives. The game, entertaining, teaching, children The best expresses his feelings, thoughts and needs It is an important activity that gives clues about the world. The importance of the game for the development of the child does not stop counting. While playing children's game It creates a separate world with its toys. With indispensable elements of games Toys, supporting the child's mental, physical and psycho-social development, imagination They are the most valuable tools that improve their power and creativity. In early childhood, the child's use of symbols, perception, new concepts educational for supporting cognitive skills and all development such as creating It is useful to use toys. With this course, the definition, importance of educational toys, effects on the development of the child and educational You will learn the toys varieties and gain educational toys and gain the ability to apply. The information and application experiences you have acquired in your daily life and about the department You will be able to use in areas.
A few children who do not know each other and come together They start playing together without learning. Because the game, all children's development supporting their fields (physical, mind and language, psycho-motor, emotional and social) a universal that prepares, entertains and has a pleasant time. language. The game is also the best of children's feelings, thoughts and needs. It is an important activity that it expresses and gives adults with clues about its inner world. Toys, on the other hand, both educational functioning in children's games They are tools that entertain children. Selected in accordance with the age and development levels of children Toys positively affect their personality development, color, shape, size, number and so on. supports the concepts. It helps to develop creative skills. Fill toys, one of the toys, are children of all ages They are the game tools they play fondly. Filling toys; Good for children and babies He becomes friends, makes them enjoy and happiness. Now found in our homes Filling toys, which can be prepared by evaluating the materials, also in kindergartens They are game materials that can be used in dramatic activities. With this course, the definition, importance of fillers toys, effects on the development of the child and filling You will learn to toys and gain the ability to make filling toys and apply. The information and application experiences you have acquired in your daily life and about the department You will be able to use in areas.
Communication is very important for people in all stages of life. The individual opposite When one thinks that he does not understand himself, he becomes unhappy and vicious. So both He tries to express himself by talking and using body language correctly. There is development and progress where healthy communication is located. Healthy communication There is support and sharing on the ground. However, in our society, parents and children Between the winning and losing race. Communication; Who will be saying, who is right has taken its unfair form. When there is no healthy communication between parents and children, children They feel insecurity against and enter into unhealthy relationships. Over time, the child is this negative It also reflects its features to the environment in which it lives. The definition of communication with this course, types, methods, appearance and behavior in communication You will be able to learn and apply the importance, information and skills about communication in business life. Moreover It can comprehend the importance of communication with the child in solving the child's problems and problems You will be able to prepare activities for the solution.
Human is a social being and a large part of his life with other people passes. Share their feelings, thoughts and desires with the people they are with and information with them He uses the language used by the society to be in shopping. Speaking people other It is one of the most important abilities that distinguishes it from living things. Holding an important place in human life and Having a disorder in speech, which is a natural process, the individual's big problems in society may cause it to live. Thanks to the knowledge and skills you will get in this course, language and speech disorders you will be able to recognize. Communicating with children with language and speech disorder and You will be able to plan activities that will allow you to provide training. High motivation of children with language and speech disorder are high in the future, Society, independent and independent movement that manages to overcome the problem to be individuals who can be able to prepare a suitable activity and education environment for them. You can provide. With the activities you will plan and implement, social, productive, itself and Individuals who value people, willing to overcome the language and speech problem You will take a role in upbringing. In addition, the information you will get from this course around you When you share with people, you will contribute to the consciousness of society.
Special education has an important place in the development and education of disabled children. Although the presence of the disabled people is as old as human history, education and training towards them His work is newer. Training programs for disabled people within the scope of these studies Improved, specially trained personnel are trained, educational environments have been prepared and private vehicle Materials have been developed. For this and similar studies for disabled people, science and It is renewed and developed in parallel with the developments in technology. And also Special education has been accepted as an integral part of general education in recent years. Each type, degree of apology and each of the children with orthopedic disabilities and continuous diseased children The conditions of being affected by apology/disease may be different. Your child By those interested in education, orthopedic disabled and continuous diseased children recognition, their success by showing a healthy development and more qualified It is very important for them to go to high levels. Consciously selected we will present to the child Orthopedic with stimulants, tools, consciously arranged educational environments and activities It supports disabled and continuous diseased children in a healthy way and their developmental capacity It allows them to use at the highest level. While preparing activities for children, children's individual Differences should be considered. In this course; By learning the developmental characteristics of physical and continuous diseased children, You will be able to help your development in this area effectively. Physical and continuous diseased With the guidance of the sample activity and equipment given to children, you are also appropriate activity New information and new information and to prepare original tools using your creativity. You will gain skills.
People who communicate can be an adult, as well as a newborn baby, even mother There may be an unborn baby trying to tell something by kicking in his stomach. Every human being who says hello to the world, consists of various communications around him It is born, lives and dies in the social environment. The quality of the communication it has established, people plays an important role in the formation of personality. The fact that societies consist of healthy and useful individuals, children in that society mental, It depends on the conscious growth in physical, social and emotional aspects. Early Childhood is one of the most critical transition periods of the human development process. In this period, The quality of communication in the home and child -breaking attitudes in the child's personality development Plays an important role. Personality traits in adults are shaped in the age of 0-6 years. One of the most important issues that families should do to raise healthy individuals It is the right communication and appropriate discipline to establish with their children. To establish healthy human relations with this course, measures related to discipline in children You will learn to take it.
The child learns the behaviors that will adapt to social life at a young age and Learnings settle too deeply to be removed and discarded. In daily life The foundation of many of the character qualifications that we call habit is laid through family in childhood. The child learns not only with people, but also on the basis of his relationship with goods. Generosity, such as stinginess, cleaning, regularity, maintenance, scattered, shyness and sociality The acquisition of habits always depends on childhood education. Educators are the healthiest for children to be harmonious and successful in the future. They are trying to develop training ways. Although personality development Even though we accept that human beings are going on throughout their lives, in the development and construction of personality The fact that the foundation was laid in childhood remains valid. The behavior directed to the child and the attitude towards him in the knitting of the first experiences It is of great importance. Children, social individuals in preschool period When learning, he also needs a model to identify. For personality formation The necessary identification is probably realized with a close member in the family. Usually the identification object is parent. But brother, aunt, still, uncle or uncle It can be an object of identification from within the family. These members are a broken personality If it has its structure, the probability of a sample of negative behavior to the child increasing. With this course, it can act in accordance with the age and developmental characteristics of children, physical and You will gain knowledge and skills to meet your psychosocial needs.
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