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Food and Food Products : The most important feature of the food and beverage sector is like the tourism sector to which it is connected It is dynamic and open to developments. Nowadays, as before, again the request of the guest and their needs are important. With this importance, businesses are looking for their own innovation. They supported the creativity of their employees more. Food and beverage businesses Creativity is the best tourism areas where it can be exhibited. You are prepared to work in the food and beverage units of the tourism sector The main objectives; Open to innovations, high professional love and creativity, importance to human and work It should be to grow up as respectful and respectful people. This learning lesson All our courses related to the service of the food groups before this world reflects the presentation of culture. In enterprises where multiple choice menus are applied There is a specific order of foods on the menu card. This ranking is your guest to dinner It covers what is up to the finish with what they will choose to start. This learning The pastry meals that determine the scope of our class do not change the menu. is one of the members. Dough works with an important place in world kitchens are usually Italian and French cuisine products. In our country, a special, belonging to our own culture Italian pastry works with ravioli, which is the product, take its place in the menus. In our culture Our special dough works outside the ravioli (pastries, pastas, noodles, etc.) in businesses It takes its place as a garnish besides the doorway and various main courses. This learning is the basic of the preparation, presentation and sauces of the pastry. You will find instructive information. 2008
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