
Definition of Movement and Rhythm Terms-Tourism

Tourism, Entertainment Facilities and Services Definition of Movement and Rhythm Terms

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Tourism, Entertainment Facilities and Services : Rhythm is the current of movements. Certain and regular movements are made in successive groups, to be seen and to be heard. We call the body to respond to these rhythms. Moving with rhythm continues in every process of human life starting from infancy. Every person who hears music rhythm moves according to his rhythm from a young age. With this course, you will learn to move by learning the right rhythm patterns, you will learn to act and dance by creating different rhythms. You will learn and apply differentiation tools and apply. In the first part of the course, you will learn to know the definition of rhythm, simple rhythm patterns, rhythm tools, creating rhythm yourself and gaining a sense of rhythm. In the second part, you will learn by applying the movement and rhythm togetherness. After taking this course, you will detect every rhythm you hear more quickly, realize the movements you can do with your own body, and learn the dance figures more quickly by combining the rhythm patterns with the movement. With this course, you will be able to prepare demonstrations by rhythm, movement and dancing in the entertainment services department.