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Holiday and Hotel Services : From the first contact with the accommodation facility, the guest reaches the facility, The guest cycle “ is called. The most important step of this cycle is the guest's first face -to -face contact with the facility. It is the moment it was realized and met by the front office. With the guest reaching the facility, the quality of the facility and the services offered to the guest “ first Impressions ” will also begin to form. The firsts that every person encounter is undoubtedly human It leaves indelible marks in his life. One of the officials who will give the first impressions to the guest by accompanying the luggage of the first guest and accompanying it to the front office. The luggage carrier that provides the theme “ Bellboy ” is. After a tiring journey, he also wants to go to his room as soon as possible, at the same time the facility And the guest, which is curious about the environment, will introduce the activities in the facility and facility that will give information, Bellboy ” The key will play a role. Accommodation facilities in today's modern hotel understanding, accommodation, eating and drinking, As a small city due to social activities and services such as providing security is seen. For this reason, all the services that the guest needs within the facility It is tried to keep the guest in the facility as much as possible. Thus, it is aimed to maximize the profit of the enterprise. The realization of these goals is that the facility and the services provided are very well introduced. is possible. The key role in this promotion is warm and sincere behaviors, proper physique, beautiful With his speech, sharp intelligence and persuasion ability, positive impressions on people It belongs to Bellboy ” Will provide communication between the guest and other departments during his stay in the facility. is also “ Bellboydur. ” The guest will be sent off by Bellboy. The separation of the guest with good impressions in farewell, as in the welcome, “ guest cycle ” It will be a good advertising tool for our facility. It seems like a simple suitcase but is extremely important for the facility. Bellboy ’ must be shown. This is of great importance for both facility and country tourism and economy. carries. 2008
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