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Beauty and Hair Care : Being healthy is an item with the priority of human happiness. A healthy life Many of the measures to be taken for our daily lives And it consists of easy efforts. No matter wherever it is, some basic that regulates daily life Knowing the rules by knowing, protection of health and sharing with other individuals It makes life easier. The most important of these rules; Cleaning, healthy eating, physical and Mental work, regular life, cigarette, alcohol, stimulants and far from drugs Correct and appropriate methods for stopping, protection from accidents, cope with problems use. Every person is responsible for his own cleanliness. Cleaning is just visible contamination It is not enough to be done when it happens. For example, washing the face when he wakes up from sleep, Change of laundry is daily cleaning applications. Initially one's own health Cleaning is the most important means of protecting the health of others. Just body Not cleaning, but also to keep everything used and every environment clean. Personal care, which is the basic rule of our daily life, is more important for our business life. The self -confidence of the personnel who have made full personal cleaning is full and with self -confidence. does. We should never forget that we serve people. Your guests are from us The complaint may damage both us and the business we work for. Thanks to the hygiene and health rules you will apply, our business and home life is healthier will. 2008
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