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Food and Food Products : Food – Beverage services include important and wide employment of the tourism sector It is one of the favorite areas. With the wide job opportunities provided in the service sector, the country It has an important place in its economy. When you successfully complete this course, you can meet the customer in restaurants, You will be able to serve customers and collect their accounts. You know More than 40 % of the revenues of hotel businesses, food and beverage services provides. The first impression of the guests with you as soon as the guests come to work It provides you with great responsibility. For this reason, the acceptance of the guests and Afterwards, you will win the subtleties with this lesson. In our country, where hospitality is a virtue, guest acceptance, the host of the guest and It is no longer a subject that everyone knows with their subtleties, a profession and science became like that. How to treat important people, according to the courtesy rules of people You will be able to reach and use the information that will be met at the end of this course. Service Will target the element, chief and management levels and to achieve this goal. You will have taken one more step. People who prefer quality prefer to receive the service they need in restaurants is. Quality customer makes quality personnel compulsory. Trained Service The need for the staff makes you a sought -after element in this field. 2008
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