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Knitting, textile and weaving clothes : Dry cleaning is a very old business. According to the rumor \ "Jolly Belin \" in The maid accidentally reduces the gas lamp on a stained product. Spilled on the product Jolly, who realizes that the stain on the spilled place is also magically destroyed He starts to remove the stains in the dress of the people around the waist with this path and gave it He also said dry cleaning on behalf of this service. Today, depending on the development of social life and textile sector Products have been started to be produced. In addition, both the food sector and the other Due to the development of industries, many stains are encountered in our daily lives has been. The production of stains and textile garment production in the clothes we wear and clothing production Dry cleaning machines used for the removal of stains formed in the phase are sensitive It is necessary to purify clothes and fabrics from their stains without deforming. is an element. The first traces of the iron extend to the age in which primitive man steps to earth. Technology, stage By changing the face of the step iron, both in homes and in the sector that produces textile Today it has transformed into an indispensable vehicle. Nowadays, the development of flat knitted clothing production sector and production With the acceleration of the flat knitted fabric without disturbing the structure of ironing and Ironing of various features used to iron straight knitted fabrics or clothes machines have been improved. By learning the properties of dry cleaning and flat knitting ironing with this course You will be able to use the machines. 2008
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