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Food and Food Products : Nutrition needs vary according to living standards. Before People are fed so they can live. Nowadays, as people have income levels In addition to nutrition to live, chatting, having fun and spending a pleasant time they want. Although people have the opportunity to eat in their homes, in different environments, They want to meet different people and be together. Food and beverage businesses In line with these demands, don't eat more beautiful, flashy and comfortable food. tried to prepare environments. For this, the dining table as much as the tastes of the food The use of different tools in order and presentation has also started to be used. This tool Tablecloths and napkins from equipment are of particular importance. Tablecloths and napkins The most important factor in its use is to appeal to the eyes and tastes of the guests. Meal and Regardless of the type of menu, a dining table without tablecloths and napkins is unthinkable. If you learn how to use tablecloths for proper tablecloths and napkin You will be able to progress towards becoming a qualified staff in the sector. 2008
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