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Food and Food Products : The drying process is one of the oldest methods used to protect food. Dried foods maintain their durability for a long time. Because the amount of water it contains is low Microorganisms that disrupt the food can not develop and multiply. Drying process in previous years, usually outdoors solar energy was made using it. Today, in line with the research conducted in the sun It is not very healthy to dry, in terms of quality and energy and nutrient values to the product Damages were found and different drying methods were developed. From solar energy and the systems that make drying processes by using solid fuel have been developed and especially fruit It is easier to obtain products for healthier and more suitable for drying criteria. Dried fruits are rich in nutritional value and at the same time healthy for both the domestic market has taken its place in the foreign market. You are also the preliminary processes applied to the fruits to be dried with this course, drying Keeping the methods in appropriate warehouse conditions by packaging the dried product you will learn. When you successfully complete the fruits drying course, dried fruit production You can have the opportunity to work in businesses. 2008
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