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Construction and Architectural Accounts : As it is known, structure and construction have existed since the existence of humanity. The construction sector is very It is a wide sector. Its importance is increasing. With the rapid development of technology, he wants Technology manifests itself in our sector. This is a separate function for construction adds. At this point, we have a lot of work. To humanity and our environment in this field It is seen that there are many things we can give. Therefore, in our profession, ourselves We need to train well and follow technology very closely and daily. In this way to determine our place in this sector, the best way We should work and complete our education. In this training, vocational accounts course in an important position it comes out. Certainly, the location and importance of occupational accounts in the construction sector it is too degree to take it. Measurement and Scales Course is also an important place in the professional accounts. It is that you have information about the measurements and scales that are intended from this course. What is the measure? such as the environmental accounts of geometric shapes … you will learn the subjects. Mostly, will they work for us in our daily lives? Otherwise only Are we going to use it in our profession? Here you will find all this and the results in this course. We believe that at the end of this course, there will be no questions when you repeat information. And We hope that at the end of this lesson, you will all reach the necessary competence. To take your place in the construction sector, your knowledge and skills for a lifetime Hope to guide you in length; We wish you luck. 2008
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