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Knitting, textile and weaving clothes : Even today, we all follow ourselves from following the changes in the field of clothing. We can't get it. Starting from the establishment of the textile industry, in the weaving industry branch Continuous innovation and changes are experienced. With this development, innovation and changes Social and cultural life is enriched in terms of content, and the place of clothing and clothing leaving the clothes. In addition, fashion and working conditions for determining the clothing is also effective. Naturally, the textile area that provides the diversity, change and innovation of our clothes Fabrics are of great importance in weaving. Woven fabrics, main braids Of course we have to accept that it cannot be done without learning. To be able to follow the development and innovations in the weaving industry and this development In the process, it is necessary to actively take the role of a creative element. With the right to this role Knowing the main braids used in weaving as mentioned above to fulfill is essential. In this course, under four basic headings, recognizing bezayağ, twill and satin knitches, Knowing the features and usage areas, you can draw the drawings and colored yarns You will be able to draw the effect on the braids. 2008
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