
Special situations at the hotel-Holiday

Holiday and Hotel Services Special situations at the hotel

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Holiday and Hotel Services : Accommodation services within tourism enterprises are one of the most important income sources. It constitutes one. For this reason, he will be able to work in the field of accommodation services and There is a need for personnel who are trained in their fields. The staff who received accommodation services training, as well as standard field knowledge and skills It is also necessary to have information about other guest problems. At the beginning of them Business staff, in the face of unusual events that are not very common in the accommodation sector should be able to develop behavior. When an unusual event in the accommodation businesses of the business personnel? It is unpredictable in advance. Disease, death, accident, theft, murder, fights and so on. Examples of unusual events. Which when the business personnel encounter such events? They should know that they should show behaviors. Business personnel in events encountered He should be able to behave naturally by preserving his coolness. On the contrary, a behavior is in the business It can cause other guests and personnel to be in a hurry.