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Food and Food Products : So far, sponge cake, creams, sauces, etc. (cake making techniques) you learned. By applying what you have learned to become a complete cake master and decorating vehicle To make cakes of various colors, shapes and sizes using their equipment depends on your work. Today's pastry masters are all kinds of objects we see around us. They can design by designing. For this, simple decoration tools and The possibilities of technology are utilized. Cake decoration techniques are constantly constantly due to people's desire to see different things. varies. Cake masters who can create different tastes and models always They will be the sought -after masters. To keep up with the change of the age, but in the meantime, dexterity and It is necessary not to neglect our mastery and to continue the art that makes the master. With this course, information and skills about basic decoration tools, equipment and shapes You will have the owner. To improve yourself about the cake and to make new styles, varieties It is in your hands. Wishing you to make special and beautiful cakes 2008
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