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Marketing : After graduating from your school, you work in a branch -related sector you graduated from. You will enter. When applying for a job, you do the necessary procedures in the most accurate way and You will have to explain yourself very well. Because the managers who will hire you with you The first assessment of the relevant assessment will be at this stage. Therefore, your job application is the right Doing it will be one of the most important factors in recruitment. After starting the business life, the ladder of success is one by one. When you need to rise to your office and get personnel in the department you work, this job is at all. You will understand that it is not easy. Finding both the best staff and anyone It is a difficult process to do this without hurting. To have the necessary information for this and You will need to gain experience. In this course, applying for jobs in your field, buying staff, defining the job, Terms, definitions, abbreviations, documents and forms you will find. Need in school applications, skills and professional life You will recognize the concepts, documents and operations you will hear. 2008
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