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Food and Food Products : Rice came from the past to the present without losing its importance, in our culture It is one of our traditional dishes as a type of food. Rice in ancient times He came to Anatolia by migration routes from India and settled in our tables. As in Ottoman cuisine, our rice tables are an indispensable today. is the element. In many parts of our country, different local rice varieties are still on special occasions served. Pilav, which is usually taken with the main course in our country, is more in Europe. It is given as a garnish as well as the main dish in very small portions. In Turkey, rice, not only rice, but bulgur, frik (green smoked wheat) such as cereals such as grains is also made using. Italy, known as Risotto in the Far East and India, known as Risotto pilaf made as a porridge Their varieties differ with the rice in our culture. Points to be considered when cooking rice were processed in previous courses. Today, our rice has been diversified with the developing gastronomy science. With this lesson In the consistency of regional rice varieties (meat, dried legumes, doughy, vegetables) Kitchen that can cook, create new flavors, work in hot kitchen in commercial kitchens You will be able to reach the level of the element. 2008
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