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Food and Food Products : Rice, which has an important place in world cuisine, has many flavors and beauty carries to our tables. Both hot food, as well as salad in our tables There are many varieties of rice that we encounter. Rice types of rice, cooking techniques used and into It has become a very rich meal worldwide with the materials. Years ago Master Although it seems easy to cook good rice, which is an important criterion for cooks requires mastery. The fact that the rice of the desired quality brings a long experience. Rice is a good food for all individuals due to the energy and protein they contain. It is possible to prepare the taste you want with the techniques and materials you choose. And to work If you add your skill and experience, it is much easier to capture different flavors. will. For this reason, ‘ to capture different flavors with you It will be the beginning. With this course, recognizing rice from the cereals made of rice and preparing rice You will learn the stages, cooking techniques, the points to be considered. Important for rice Rice and water size from the elements; Experience while preparing rice with basic techniques You will have the opportunity. Again, with the opportunity to cook rice with basic techniques with the rice course ’ You will have information about rice samples. Get the chance to experience these examples you will. Thus, you will get one of the qualities sought for the sector. The rice here is prepared for commercial cuisine rather than home kitchen. Rice After learning the basic techniques and tricks necessary for cooking, nutrition in your home Cook rice in the taste and quality you want in accordance with the principles. depends. 2008
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