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Ceramic : Ceramics is one of the oldest handicrafts in the world. When human beings find fire and With the discovery of cooking the forms they have made from mud, ceramic place in human life Today, a lot of ornaments in our house to the body of space shuttles. Ceramics in the area appears. By comprehending the design principles, personal accumulation, creativity, aesthetics and ceramic mud New works as a result of studies using formatting methods and techniques emerges. These works are competent by education to the person's ability, interest and love. provides. When you complete this course; By gaining the ability to make original design, ceramic You recognize the raw materials, comprehend the methods of shaping, learn to secretly. Plastic Comprehend the basic principles of the arts, if you watch the innovations in the field of ceramics and arts and new products by gaining the ability to form original form by grasping the need to be creative you will reveal. 2008
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