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Child development : Free time activities; under the guidance of teachers in preschool education institutions, that children are interested in small groups in line with their own interests and needs. activities. These two basic activities are one Education is successful in between and when it is carried out in a balanced way. Children according to their own wishes and interests during their free time activities Most of the time, when they turn to an event with their own friends, adults They become more creative in a comfortable and free environment without feeling pressure, they engage in experiments. And they can freely reveal their inventions. Preschool education's child's social, mental, emotional, language and physical development With the quality of the gains, learning and teaching environment. directly related. To facilitate learning, the learning environment, children needs to be arranged in line with their needs. In this course; Free time in early childhood education institutions Planning the activities, organizing the educational environment, children to activities When directing, you will grasp the points to be considered. Also this activity You will be able to prepare and apply to children. Free With the guidance of the sample activities and equipment given about time activities, you Using your creativity, new information and in order to prepare and implement You will gain skills. 2008
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