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Food and Food Products : Sauce -making all over the world is the finest and careful job of the kitchen. On the basis of Turkish cuisine, the sauces are almost absent. In our culture The food has water. In our food, the dishes are cooked and served with their own water. Food and sauce is prepared separately in classical French cuisine or western cuisine. As a result of various interactions, sauces settled into our culinary culture, Tourism - Food It has even been in the kitchens of housewives. Ready sauces in the markets It is possible to find it with stylish packages. Today, Western cuisine is also ours It is seen that it starts to serve food water like sauce by being influenced by our culture. One of the most important complements in a plate of food is the sauce. Sauce, both The appearance makes the food a whole in terms of flavor. Beautifully prepared For a meal, the right sauce should be selected and prepared in the best way. A lot of sauce names You may hear and think it will be difficult to learn them. Sauces I, II, III When you complete their lessons, there are six basic sauces and other sauces from these sauces You will see that it is derived. A well prepared plate of food and taste the appearance and taste of food However, no sauce should avoid the taste of the food. should reveal the taste. By improving yourself in the kitchen area, sauces with which dishes You will be able to learn. Bechamel sauce, tomato sauce, which is easy to prepare and frequently prepared with the sauces-ı course, You will be able to prepare and store cold butter mixtures and derived. Information in the profession And as your skills increase, you can prepare delicious, beautiful dishes by derived the sauces. 2008
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